Bain céleste... crissement, tréfonds et volupté, est un voyage onirique et apocalyptique (ce dernier adjectif entendu au
plus près de son étymologie, « apokaluptein » – découvrir, révéler) à fleur d’une photographie. Grâce à un processus
d’altération chimique, issu d’une pratique photographique traditionnelle appelée « mordançage », une masse inerte
prend vie dans un bain de révélateur. Un paysage anthropomorphe se dévoile, une chair pelliculaire se révèle. La
surface épidermique est le théâtre d’une expérience sensorielle, visuelle et sonore. Un épiderme photosensible se
décolle, se meut et devient reste. Un micro-organisme et un micro son s’en dégagent et entament un voyage
infinitésimal dans une matière-objet : la surface mise à nu conserve les diverses traces tel un corps, un paysage
magnifié, qui en devient sacré.
Celestial Bath .. rustling, depths and pleasure is a dreamlike, apocalyptic journey over a photograph (the last adjective used for its etymological sense of the word: apokaluptein – to discover, reveal). By way of a chemical modification process, based on a traditional photographic practice known as mordançage, an inert mass comes to life in the developing basin. An anthropomorphic landscape appears, a grainy flesh is revealed. The epidermal surface is a theatre of the sensorial, visual and aural experience. A photosensitive epidermis peels away, undulates and becomes a mere remnant. A micro-organism and a micro-sound are expelled and begin an infinitesimal voyage through the object – matter: the exposed surface retains the various traces as would a body, a magnified landscape, which delivers itself as sacred.
Celestial Bath .. rustling, depths and pleasure is a dreamlike, apocalyptic journey over a photograph (the last adjective used for its etymological sense of the word: apokaluptein – to discover, reveal). By way of a chemical modification process, based on a traditional photographic practice known as mordançage, an inert mass comes to life in the developing basin. An anthropomorphic landscape appears, a grainy flesh is revealed. The epidermal surface is a theatre of the sensorial, visual and aural experience. A photosensitive epidermis peels away, undulates and becomes a mere remnant. A micro-organism and a micro-sound are expelled and begin an infinitesimal voyage through the object – matter: the exposed surface retains the various traces as would a body, a magnified landscape, which delivers itself as sacred.